IP Licenses Are IP Leases

An intellectual property license is a lease for use of Intellectual property.  If attorneys and their clients understood this elemental principle, then licensing negotiations would often be less complicated, less fought over, and less expensive. Certain words are used in the same manner in both types of agreements, such as the words “term”, “termination”, and […]

When Good Non-Recourse Loans Go Bad

More than $5 trillion of commercial real estate-related debt is scheduled to mature by the end of 2024.  Significant demand to refinance debt over the next fourteen months will occur regardless of economic conditions. But current and anticipated economic conditions for commercial real estate owners are not promising. Finding affordable refinancing opportunities will grow increasingly […]

Force Majeure Clauses Remain Very Important

Simply adding “pandemics” or “Covid-19” to force majeure clauses is lazy lawyering.  Courts analyze force majeure clauses according to their specific language.  Ironically, this is one area where attorneys are failing to put in the time—billable time!—to ensure their clients are properly advised. The following are issues that are commonly overlooked: How does climate change […]

Smart Ways To Minimize Legal Risk

Smart businessowners understand managing legal risk increases a company’s bottom line and, therefore, its value. More than ever, attorneys are the generals leading defense preparation and implementation to protect the company’s assets from attacks coming from every direction. It is well understood business risks are frequently unintended or unforeseen.  When this happens, the company faces […]

Price Escalation Clauses

Inflation has made price escalation clauses a relevant topic. Yet many of these clauses fail to create a clean, straightforward understanding as to how the escalation will work. A well-drafted price escalation clause should have the following five elements: Many business considerations need to be addressed within the five elements. In talking with business owners […]

Limitation of Liability Clauses

A limitation of liability clause is a term in an agreement that limits potential exposure if a lawsuit or claim is filed. Liability caps can focus on prohibiting liability beyond specific amounts of money: This is rather straightforward. Limiting the types of damages that can be recovered is trickier. Many agreements permit parties to recover […]

#MeToo Clauses

#MeToo clauses are still relatively new additions to the numerous representations and warranties in M&A agreements.  These clauses focus on a seller’s knowledge or awareness of accusations of sexual misconduct against its executives and others, which could be internal and financial land mines.   It is unsurprising that these provisions are now being inserted into other […]

NDA No-Nos

It is common knowledge that a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) does not provide absolute protection of a company’s intellectual property or other proprietary information.  Unfortunately, many business owners are not advised with sufficient detail as to (1) why an NDA is insufficient and (2) how to keep an NDA enforceable. Receiving poor or no advice concerning […]

June 2022 Hotel Newsletter

HOTEL LAW NEWSLETTER – JUNE 2022 Seidman Law Group represents various clients in the hotel sector.  Our extensive work in this field requires us to stay current with the everchanging federal, state, and legal landscapes that affect our clients.   It is our pleasure to share insight into issues we recently encountered while advising our […]

Short Post: Defining “Indemnify”

Ironically, failure to properly define the word “indemnify” is the root of significant number of lawsuits because the definition varies from state to state.  In a majority of states, the duty to indemnify does not automatically include the duty to defend the indemnitee. A number of states, including California, define indemnification to cover both legal […]